Don’t Miss the Top 5 Pharma Marketing Trends
We are heading towards a shifting era in communication with content’s digitalization. It’s only natural that pharma brands wouldn’t be immune to this new wave. Of course, some digital marketing trends will be transversal to many sectors. While some will be specific to a few of them. Here are our top 5 predictions when it […]
What is Machine Learning and How Can it Benefit Pharma Reps?
In a way, machine learning is a consequence of the evolution of AI. The latter element is growing in more than one direction. More than one business area is taking advantage of the benefits of artificial intelligence. Yet what kind of impact can this have on pharma? Let’s have a look at the possibilities. What […]
AI and Machine Learning: The Challenges They Pose for Pharma
It’s no novelty that many pharma companies have been integrating technology elements into their workforce. AI and machine learning are no strangers to the many solutions in this spectrum. Without a doubt this increased efficiency to more than one front in the pharmaceutical industry. Yet, what can the challenges pose for pharma in the long […]
Know Your Audience Through AI
AI, also known as artificial intelligence, simulates human intelligence on machines. Perse, these are programmed to think like humans. As a result, it has been growingly used in the pharmaceutical industry by marketing teams that strive to improve their response to the customer’s needs with tailored, knowledgeable experiences. Continue to read this article to learn […]
How will the Internet of Things Influence Pharma?
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a term that encapsulates any device able to connect to a network and communicate with other devices. Through this connection, the gadgets send and receive data. IoT is, then, a trend on the rise that displays several benefits to the pharmaceutical industry. What’s the catch of the Internet of […]