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All data and information on our websites are made available for information purposes only. Although the content of our websites has been prepared and composed  with the utmost care, we can not guarantee the correctness of the content of the information.

All copyrights and other intellectual property rights on our websites and on the content of our services and products, including but not limited to text, design, images, illustrations, logos, brands, tradenames and sounds, belong to us or to our licensors or customers. Without our prior express written consent, the content of our websites and products and services may not be reproduced, modified and/or published, in any form or by any means whatsoever, or stored in an authorized database, and no link may be made to our websites, services and products, applications and software we offer without our prior express written consent. We reserve all our rights in this respect.

We are under no circumstances liable for any direct or indirect damages visitors or users of our websites suffer as a result of (i) shortcomings of us in the performance of our services or products, including but not limited to viruses, defects or other defects in equipment and other software related to access to or use of our websites, (ii) altering, intercepting or improper use of information sent to the user of our websites and/or to us, (iii) availability and/or functioning of our websites, (iv) abuse or wrong or improper use of our websites, (v) loss or distortion of data and (vi) all other breaches of privacy law, downloading or using of images, information and/or data from our websites and/or claims from third parties in connection with the access to the use of our websites.

We bear no responsibility for the content of websites and social media that are linked to us, nor for the information, software, products and services available on or through these sites. A link to another site is exclusively intended for the convenience of the users or visitors of our websites. We do not accept any obligation or liability in this respect. Without our prior written consent, framing and making a hyperlink to our websites is not permitted. The terms and privacy policies of third parties and social media apply to data processing by third parties and social media. We are never liable or responsible for the data processing of third parties and social media.

It is not permitted to use our services and products contrary to the law and our conditions, in a way that may frustrate the functioning of our websites and/or use by third parties and/or information offered on our websites or software, or otherwise act unlawfully towards us or third parties.

Our privacy policy applies to our data processing, which is published in the footer of our websites. Our privacy policy sets out how we process personal data and how users and visitors of our websites can object against certain processings of personal data. We have taken adequate security measures to protect personal data from unauthorized access or modification, destruction or loss. If you have any questions or complaints regarding our services and products and our websites, please contact us via our email address email(at)bluenovius.com.

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