If you’ve been in pharma marketing as long as I have, you probably know this way better than I do. The competition is fierce and getting your message across to physicians and patients is harder than ever.
In pharma marketing, your message is constantly put up against your competition. And it’s getting harder and harder to get your message across. This particularly goes for the complex content, investigational compounds, or new products with completely different effects than their predecessors.
It’s not easy to stand out in this information overload. But there’s one technique you can use to get your message across to physicians every time. Visual storytelling.
What is visual storytelling?
Visual storytelling is a multifaceted method that combines fascinating animation with explanatory stories and scientific information. The result is an easy-to-understand and effective video marketing technique with a deep emotional impact.
Visual storytelling attracts viewers to your video and makes them watch your video for longer. But mastering the technique can be harder than you think.
If you are not sure how to make visual storytelling an important part of your pharma marketing campaign read this blog and find out how to create a perfect visual story.
Identify relevant information
When creating your visual story you have to put the cold hard scientific data at its core. First, you have to determine what is really relevant and link your message to it. So, when you are creating the first draft of your video marketing script, make sure to think about what is truly important for your target audience. Only if you focus on what’s important to them, you can begin to add real value to their practice.
Now that you decided on what is the main info you want to convey, you must present it in an attractive manner. Make your writing style interesting and your medical animations amazing. Pack your video with vivid illustrations that will add the wow effect to it and make it a really exciting experience to watch.
Make your information enduring
Did you know that 80% of people remember the information they’ve seen in a video even a month after watching it? Use this ability to make relevant information more memorable to achieve long-term effects. Communicate your message in a comprehensive and extraordinary way to make them stay in people’s minds longer.
Focus on the story
If you want to make your video a true success you need more than just good content and awesome animation. You need a comprehensive story. This is what separates the visual storytelling technique from mere video marketing. Add an emotional touch to your video by creating a story that touches and inspires your target audience. A story that deserves to be told. By combining scientific data with emotional touch you will be able to appeal to your audience on multiple levels and make your story more impactful.
Visual storytelling can contribute a lot to your overall marketing goals. For more posts like this one, please subscribe to our newsletter. We’ll send you new digital pharma marketing news and resources every week!