AI, also known as artificial intelligence, simulates human intelligence on machines. Perse, these are programmed to think like humans. As a result, it has been growingly used in the pharmaceutical industry by marketing teams that strive to improve their response to the customer’s needs with tailored, knowledgeable experiences.
Continue to read this article to learn more about how pharma companies can use AI as a way to develop an in-depth understanding of their audience.
How to Use AI to Know Your Audience?
Present day’s pharmaceutical industry has gone a long way from traditional B2B into a customer-centric approach where the consumer takes center stage. And so, knowing the target audience became pivotal to the effectiveness of all communication and marketing efforts. It is here that AI comes into action.
Managing all consumer online activity is a complex task that involves the management of big data. With e-commerce growing ever so more, as well as the access to digital content, people now spend more than 7 hours weekly on their phones and laptops. So, to assess all their interactions with only human hands is practically impossible. So, it is here that collaboration with technology is of value.
“That’s why human-machine collaboration is crucial—in today’s world, artificial intelligence remains an extension of human capabilities, not a replacement.” – Accenture
The question is, how can you specifically use AI to know your audience?
The marketing company Talking Medicines is doing this perfectly. Based in the UK and New Jersey, the organization has created an AI platform named, PatientMetRx with the aim of better assessing and understanding its audience. It combines machine learning and natural language processing to filter through online interactions as a way to pinpoint what is being said about the company’s drugs. The ultimate goal is to, from this, provide key performance indicators (KPIs) of the patient’s preferences, interests, and opinions.
So, by allying AI to marketing practices, pharma companies can develop a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding of their target audience. All by uncovering information from online activity on the different platforms.
Learn more about AI and other Tech trends, here.
The Advantages of Artificial Intelligence
AI’s role in pharma is gradually strengthening. Most due to its versatility that allows one to mold it around its specific communication and marketing strategies. Yet, all of this is due to the advantages AI proportionate.
And some of these are:
Data Collection and Analysis:
Consumers are constantly engaging with a myriad of digital content that can only provide resourceful data and insights. Yet, it is difficult to process it only with human hands. Therefore, it is here that AI comes in and supports marketers in collecting and sorting consumer insights and data quickly.
Advertising Personalization:
AI aids marketers in better identifying who they are talking to through their marketing communication efforts on digital platforms. So, gathering insightful user data targets the most relevant audience to the campaign in question. This can be based on a consideration of age, interests and preferences, gender, and more.
Improved Customer Support and Experience:
Being there for the customer all the way through the buyer’s journey is crucial. Yet hard for companies to handle all issues that arise. AI allows, then, brands to provide timely support to the consumer. For instance, through chatbots. These are automated. And can help solve problems, support the sales team and promote products and/ or services that might be of interest.
Concluding Ideas
AI is one of the technologies of the future. It is the cherry on top of what it is the digital shift in the pharmaceutical industry. And it is just the right tool to make your marketing efforts more effective and impactful near the audience while saving your time as a marketer.
Through artificial intelligence, pharma marketing teams can develop an in-depth, valuable understanding of their target audience, that might just make the difference. Understanding the present, while predicting the future, allows companies to stay one step ahead of the competition.