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Key Pharma 2022 Figures


The research-based pharmaceutical industry is entering an exciting new era in medicine development. Much of it is thanks to the advances seen in sciences and technology. So, today we’re looking at the top pharma 2022 key figures! 

As research methods evolve, a new digitally disrupted pharmaceutical industry is driven by, and drives, medical progress. The goal: turn valuable research into innovative treatments that are widely available and accessible to patients.

Placing patients’ well-being at its core, pharma has been contributing to the increase in life span, thus reducing mortality. EU citizens now live an extra 30 years than they did just a century ago. 

And there’s another angle to consider in research-based pharma: the economy. 

Research, development, and creation of new medicines for health improvement and quality of life for patients, results in medical progress and big figures. It’s more than fair to say that pharma is a key asset in the European economy. For it is one of the top-performing, high-technology sectors. 

Pharma 2022: Europe Overview

When we go back to 2020, there was an estimated €39.000 million invested in Research and Development in Europe alone. It employs in a direct way around 830.000 people and in an indirect way 3 times more.

When taking a glance at the future, one can’t help but acknowledge the essential role that the research-based pharmaceutical industry can have in Europe’s growth and competitiveness in a global landscape.

Source: EPFIA

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Pharma Market Growth Overview & Comparisons

The numbers:

  • Between 2015 and 2020, EU markets had an average growth of 5.0%, and the US market a 4.9%;
  • In 2020, EU had a share of 23.9% of global pharmaceutical sales, while North America accounted for 49%;
Source: EPFIA
  • The Pharma industry and the technology sectors had the highest added value per person employed. It also counted with the highest ratio of R&D investment to net sales;
  • In the global picture, the pharmaceutical and biotechnology sector represents 18.4% of total business R&D expenditure.

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Pharma Sales Overview & Comparisons

In 2020, the global pharma market was already estimated at €943.667 million! Let’s look at the data:

  • With a 49% share, the North American market (USA & Canada) is the largest one;
  • Contributing to US’ leadership are the differences between European countries regarding distribution margins and VAT rates;
  • One-third of the retail price of a medicine in Europe goes to the State and the distributors. 

Source: EPFIA

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The pharmaceutical industry has a great impact on the global economy!

Estimated at €943.667 million in 2020, pharma’s global sales have their largest market piece in North America with a 49% share, followed by 23.9% in Europe.

In the high-technology sector, pharma has the highest ratio of R&D investment to net sales and one of the highest added-value per person employed.

Employing around 830.000 people directly, it already had, just in Europe, an estimated amount of €39.000 invested in R&D when we look back at 2020.

The numbers show us the increase in the pharmaceutical industry’s weight, being a key asset for the European economy’s growth and global competitiveness.