Educating patients on medical conditions and procedures are number one demand for both physicians and pharma brands. And explaining a complex medical condition to an average patient is never an easy task.
Patients are not familiar with medical terms. They are stressed out and scared. A scientific study showed that between 40 and 80% of information that HCPs provide to patients is forgotten immediately. And patients can’t follow the instructions they can’t remember. This results in poor adherence to treatment and higher levels of readmission.
So what to do to make sure your patients understand their conditions and treatments?
Medical animation has proven to be a perfect tool for improving patient literacy. With the right animated video in place, you can increase patient satisfaction, reduce readmission and enhance adherence. But creating a quality medical video is not an easy task. That’s why I’ve written this blog to show you how you can get the most out of your medical video without breaking a sweat.
1. Use language that patients can understand
You may know all about complex conditions and medications, but your patients don’t. They come from all walks of life and most of them never went to medical school. To keep the attention of your patients, you need to make your videos understandable. There are several ways to do that. First, make sure to avoid complex medical terminology as much as you can.
Second, use short sentences and simple language. Your videos should be narrated at the 5th to 8th-grade level. This will ensure that over 80% of adults understand what you want to say.
If you are making a video for an international crowd make sure to synchronize it into various languages. That way they’ll be understandable to every part of your audience. And don’t forget to include captions for hearing-impaired patients.
2. Always tell the truth
Before you even begin to create your medical video, you must be sure that the info you provide is 100% accurate. Telling your patients the truth is key to their compliance and recovery. So, before you even start filming you have to write a medical video script. There you’ll provide them with important info about their condition.
3. Distribute widely
Now that you’ve made a medically accurate, understandable video, it’s time to distribute it widely. Medical videos as tools for patient education only work if they are available to users. Your video should be distributed via multiple channels.
Upload them to your company’s website. Distribute them via email and upload them to YouTube or Vimeo. And since many people search for info from their phones, you should optimize for mobile as well.
4. Measure the effectiveness of your video
Providing information about treatments and conditions is the most important feature of a medical video. But a pharma marketer has to have a bigger picture in mind. Marketers have to keep an eye on a set of measurable results that will help them make better decisions.
Animated videos are perfect tools to build bonds with patients and improve their health. But they can significantly strengthen your business metrics at the same time. A good medical video has a whole set of benefits for pharma brands.
For starters, videos improve the pharma brand’s website metrics and SEO. Visitors who watch videos stay on the site twice as long and visit twice as many pages as those who don’t. Also, websites with video have 54X more chances of getting on the front page of Google than those that don’t.
But that’s not all.
Videos are great for your email marketing campaigns. Reps that use video in sales emails see 5x higher open rates and 8x higher open-to-reply rates. Videos can improve almost every marketing metric you can think of so you better make sure to measure your results and discover what works and what does not.
Medical videos are equally important and useful for patients, physicians, and pharma companies. Animation helps patients understand their condition which leads to better health literacy. And better health literacy leads to better compliance, improved outcomes, and reduced readmission rates. So make sure to use the power of video to increase patient satisfaction.
Animate video can help educate physicians on new drugs and clinical guidelines. It’s also a great tool to use during meetings with HCPs as it shortens the time of the meeting and increases HCPs’ satisfaction. Videos will help you reach physicians. This will reflect positively on your click-through rates, conversion rates, and ROI.
Hope you enjoyed my blog. And if you have any more questions about video marketing in pharma just ask them right here. I’ll be more than happy to reply.