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Two Pharmaceutical Marketing Strategies for Making Leads With Video Content  

In recent years video marketing has become one of the best lead generator mediums out there. In fact, a whopping 70% of marketers believe that videos are the best lead converting medium at the moment.

And the statistic reveals why. Researchers have shown that marketers who use video marketing for lead generation have a 19% lower cost per lead rate than those who don’t.

Still, many pharma marketers don’t know how to implement video into their pharmaceutical marketing strategy. That’s why I’ve written this blog post to help you use the power of video to generate leads for your pharma brand.

Every successful pharmaceutical marketing strategy includes an information exchange. Pharma companies usually offer something the physicians need or want and ask for contact info like their name or an email in return.

And video marketing strategy is no different. The easiest way to generate leads with your video is to use a subscribe form that will gather the user’s contact data including their name, email address, or phone number.

But in video marketing, there are two different ways to get the leads you require – the direct and the indirect approach to lead generation.

The direct approach requires the viewers of the video and potential prospects to fill out the form before they see the video. Have a demo of a new medical product?

Or a video about a new highly important medical publication? Then feel free to ask for your physicians to fill out the contact form before you let them get a glimpse at your content.

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But if you have another, non-video asset and you are using video to promote it then you should use the video as an attention grabber and ask the viewers to fill out the lead generation form after the video is played.

There are several ways to do that. First, you can place a contact form next to the video and ask the viewers to subscribe while watching the video. Or you can wait until the video is over and then ask for another offer.

Both pharmaceutical marketing strategies can prove to be equally valuable if they have to be used in the right situations. Deciding whether to use a direct or indirect approach depends on where the value of your asset lies.

These pharmaceutical marketing strategies can be quite effective if used right, so choose carefully and select the direct method only when you are sure that your video is worth the contact information you are asking for in return for it.

If you are craving more pharmaceutical marketing tips and strategies, sign up right here and get the best pharma marketing practices for free.