As digital marketing trends in pharma continue to evolve, medical explainer videos are coming up as the number one content format for pharma marketers. However, as it’s still fairly new, there’s still lots of doubts and misconceptions about how and where to use video for pharma marketing.
Today we have some of the most amazing facts about using video for marketing purposes. On top of that, there are some lessons that pharma can take from them.
51% of marketers say video is the content format with the highest ROI
In terms of invested resources and the immediate marketing effects, there is no match to video as a medium. Compared to outbound formats such as PPC and display advertising, as well as inbound methods such as written content, video is simply much more effective.
59% of viewers say that if they have text and video on the same topic, they will choose video
This one is a no-brainer, really. Physicians today simply have no time to spend reading long-winded scientific publications. There are thousands of new papers coming out every month, and they simply cannot manage it. On the other hand, if you present your publication in the form of a brief medical explainer video, you can grab their attention in just 90 seconds.
Viewers retain 95% of the message when viewing video
While 95% is a great figure, it’s even better when you stack it against text – which only gets a 10% of retention rate. The physicians won’t be able to remember the most important bits of data. On the other hand, a video neatly solves this issue as it sticks in our short- and long-term memory much better.
Physicians spend 88% more time on websites with videos
If you ever had a chance to look at your pharma website stats, you’ll notice that some pages only get several seconds of attention before visitors drop out. This is because physicians simply skim the text and abandon if there’s nothing that interests them. On the other hand, if there’s a video on the page, physicians will be more inclined to hit the play button and stick around for the video to the end.
Having a video on your page increases your chances of showing up on the first page of Google results by 53%
Physicians and patients love videos, but there’s some more good news – Google loves them too. So much so, that having a video on your website makes a huge difference in whether it will show up on Google results for a given keyword. Imagine being able to rank first for a given therapeutic area in a specific market – it’s much easier if there’s a video on the page you’re promoting.
Video marketers report a 54% increase in brand awareness
One of the biggest struggles that pharma companies have is establishing brand loyalty and trust. A physician that is loyal to your company and constantly prescribes your brands is an invaluable partner in marketing. Luckily, video can help increase brand awareness by building a positive image – since you’re venturing in a territory that is so new to physicians across the world.
For 97% of businesses, explainer videos help their customers understand their product
One of the best video formats out there is explainers, for one reason. They break down complex concepts so that they could be more easily understood. For example, our PubExplainers help you present your scientific publications in the form of 90-second medical explainer videos. In this way, physicians can more easily understand and remember the key scientific data without reading through the publication itself.
The average web user spends 40 minutes per day on mobile viewing videos
Mobile marketing for physicians is the future – and this fact just reinforces it. Physicians spend a lot of time every day on their phones, either checking emails or in their leisure time. Plenty of that time is spent on video, and mobile is yet another platform for pharma marketers to target physicians with relevant video content.
Are you convinced that video is the future of pharma marketing?
If you’re not – let us help you. At BlueNovius, we helped over 50 pharma companies across the globe amplify their marketing efforts using video. If you want to find out how we can help you too, reach out to us and we’d be glad to help you out.
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